Sunday, February 3, 2013


There is no rushing a river. When you go there, you go at the pace of the water and that pace ties you into a flow that is older than life on this planet. Acceptance of that pace, even for a day, changes us, reminds us of other rhythms beyond the sound of our own heartbeats. 
- Jeff Rennicke, River Days: Travels on Western Rivers

We really have no choice but to flow through life, just as a river. Rivers flow gently at times, meandering smoothly downstream. Other times, the river is rough; it flows over rocks, under trees, pounds against the banks. Though the water is rough, it's still flowing downstream. It never stops moving.

Our lives are continually moving forward, just as the river. We have to flow with it. When it flows gently, we have to embrace the tranquility. When it gets rough, we have to pay close attention. Be aware of our surroundings, still flowing, but with caution. It's during these times that we will learn the most.

I went kayaking this weekend. I was once again reminded of the beauty and power of the river. I hadn't been kayaking in over two months. The river I went to is one that I have paddled many times before. Thinking that I knew the run and was fully capable of handling anything that came my way, I paddled with complacency. Though the river gets rough, it's a roughness I know, so I didn't stay as aware as I should have. As a result, I made a mistake. The water challenged me, and it won. I don't like losing, but it makes me reflect. What could I have done differently? Why did I get myself in that position? How can I better handle the situation the next time I'm confronted with it?

It is in these moments, the moments that I am challenged the most, that I find the greatest growth. It is within these moments that I am inspired to do better, to be better.

As we flow through life, there will be times when everything is running smoothly. We mustn't be complacent in these times. The water will get rough, and we must be prepared. We must stay aware, keep our eyes open, pay attention. When times get rough, we have to hold on, keep moving forward, and always remember that we're going to come out stronger, smarter, better. Embrace the challenging times just as much as the tranquil times.

As I move through this term, faced with new challenges, I find comfort in knowing how much stronger I will be for it. In this time of challenge, I am aware. I'm aware that I make mistakes and these mistakes make me better. I won't try to rush this time, but embrace it for what it is. Be in the moment of it, accepting the pace of it, and learning from it everyday.

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